Photo-- Trinity College, Oxford (where I'll be living...be jealous!)
Unless you've been living under a rock or have been completely out of contact with me for the past year, you probably know that I'll be spending about 7 weeks in England this summer. This blog will become a place for musings on my travels and experiences. It'll also be a site where all y'all can catch up on what I'm doing and where I am. I leave June 28th, and, after flying overnight, I'll end up in Oxford (ideally) in the morning the next day. I'm taking a class on Modern Irish Literature and a class on Oxford, the city and university as a work of art (I think this is being billed as an architectural/art/historical class, sounds fascinating though). I'll be in Oxford until August 8th, at which point I will (hopefully, if all goes according to plan) meander my way up to Edinburgh, Scotland for a few days of the infamous Fringe Festival. I'll be staying in a hostel up there, so if anyone is going to be up in that area, I'll be there alone-- get in touch!
So, that being said, stay tuned for a blog bildungsroman.
Also, if anyone has any suggestions on places to visit in the UK (or Western Europe for that matter) feel free to let me know.
That's all for now...wish me luck!